Hale Halawai 'Ohana O Hanalei is a grass roots 501 (c)(3) organization founded by community members in 1993. Established out of a need for a gathering place on the North Shore, Hale Halawai 'Ohana O Hanalei became the first privately funded community center in the state of Hawai’i. Our name translates to, "A house for the coming together of the extended family of Hanalei."
Our mission is to create and sustain a gathering place for cultural education and for community engagement and actions to support social, civic and recreation events that perpetuate the value of aloha and the betterment of our community.
Locally referenced as Hanalei's Cultural Community Center, our center serves as a venue for a variety of services, classes, programs, events, and Hawaiian cultural programs. Our programs help perpetuate traditional Hawaiian culture and the Aloha Spirit. Hale Halawai 'Ohana O Hanalei is dedicated to celebrating and increasing the resources of the people. Said best by Aunty Kapeka Chandler, "...it is a place for everybody."
Hale Halawai 'Ohana O Hanalei helps in the implementation and distribution of sub-grants for North Shore watershed flood mitigation projects.
Born and raised in Hanalei, Blake left Kaua'i to attend Kamehameha HS and then on to Massachusetts, where he earned his BA in English Literature. He owned a computer retailing business for 10 years and after selling the business, worked for Hewlett Packard Co. where he worked as a corporate sales executive for some of our country’s largest companies.
Gaylord Wilcox is the great great grandson of missionaries who taught in Hanalei in the mid-1800s. He is a part-time Kaua'i resident, spending most of his time in Honolulu. He attended grammar school in Lihue from kindergarten to 8th grade, and raised children in Hanalei from 1975-82. He is a former book publisher and current owner of Hanalei Center. In his free time, he is an avid outrigger canoe paddler.
Naomi Yokotake is a graduate of Kamehameha Schools and obtained her BA in Elementary Education from the University of Northern Iowa. She is the Kumu Hula of Halau O Hanalei, the Cultural Director at Hale Halawai 'Ohana O Hanalei and the creator of original Halele’a Exploration Program curriculum and remains active as the lead volunteer. She was employed as an elementary school teacher with the Hawaii DOE for over 30 years and is a founding board member of Hale Halawai ‘Ohana O Hanalei. She is also the Choir Director at Wai‘oli Hui‘ia Church and past president of the Hanalei Hawaiian Civic Club.
Wicki Van De Veer retired to Hanalei after a career as a Social Worker and Administrator for the County of Santa Cruz, California. She also cofounded and served as Co Director for the non-profit Santa Cruz Toddler Care Center which just marked it's 40th anniversary. She earned a BA in the Humanities at University of California Berkeley and a BA in Fine Art at University of California at Santa Cruz. She serves as a board member for Hale Halawai and volunteers as one of the art teachers for the Halele'a Cultural Exploration Program.
Charlie Cowden moved to Kauai in 1970. He started Hanalei Surf Company in 1982. Over the years, he has grown his business and expanded to own other local businesses. He is an avid surfer and supports the local community through various endeavors.
Presley Wann was born in 1949 and raised on Oahu. He traces his Hawaiian ancestry to Ha’ena and Kalalau valleys of Kaua’i and to Nihoa island, Papahānaumokuākea. He retired in 2014 as a construction supervisor with 47 years of construction experience. He has served or is serving on the Kaua’i/ Niihau Burial Council under Governors Cayetano and Lingle administrations, Na Kalae Wa’a, Waipa Foundation, Malama Kua’aina, Holomua Marine Advisory Committee, and is currently serving as President of the Hui Maka’ainana O Makana. Married with two daughters and four grandchildren, Presley enjoys taro farming, traveling, and being in or on the ocean.
Born on the Big Island and raised in Tahiti, Marau Knight Beck brings a deep connection to the Pacific and a lifelong dedication to education. She left Tahiti for high school at Hawai‘i Preparatory Academy before earning a Bachelor of Science in Education and Special Education from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. Marau has lived in Hanalei for many years with her husband, Hobey Beck, and their four children—Braden, Whitney, Kavika, and Ella. As the owner and director of Waikoko Kids Preschool for the past 19 years, she is passionate about nurturing young minds and believes that investing in children is key to creating a better world.
Keith Nitta, born in Wahiawa, Kauai, has been involved with land use planning for thirty-two (32) years; one year with the University of Hawaii’s Environmental Simulation Laboratory (HESL; three (3) years with the State Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), with the balance (28 years) at the County of Kauai Planning Department. While at DLNR in Honolulu, he started with the Natural Areas Reserve Systems Commission; moved to the State Parks Division; and, ended at the DLNR Planning Office. Keith moved back to Kauai in 1978 and was employed as a planner with the County of Kauai Planning Department until 2006. During his tenure there he headed the Subdivision Section and later formed and headed the Long Range Planning Division. Keith also served as the Deputy Planning Director during the aftermath of Hurricane Iniki from 1993 to 1994.
Hale Halawai 'Ohana O Hanalei started out of a love for the community and its people. We would not be in existence without the hard work and dedication from our founders.
We are a 501(c)(3) Native Hawaiian Organization
Jack Kahalolani Hashimoto
Scott Robeson
Elizabeth "Kapeka" Mahuiki Chandler
Carol Ann Washburn
Susan Clair
Gaylord Wilcox
Naomi Yokotake